Latest updates

Conference on CPEC assessing the socio-economical impact on the indigenous people
A conference on CPEC assessing the socio-economical impact on the indigenous people organized by Mr. Imtiaz Gull of CRSS was held at the PC Hotel

H.E. Mr. Yao Jing’s Farewell Reception
Islamabad: On the occasion of the Farewell Reception for Mr. Yao Jing (Ambassador of China for Pakistan) he expressed that the hospitality of Pakistani people

Federal Minister Information met with the CPNE team
Federal Minister Information and Broadcasting Mr. Shibli Faraz met with the editors at the CPNE (Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors) Secretariat Karachi.

Urgent meeting of GBDA Executive Body
An Urgent Meeting of GBDA Executive Body was held in Karachi hosted by Mr. Sher Buhadar Khatak of Ocean Marina Gwadar. The meeting was called

CEO Gwadar Club visited Visionary Group’s Head Office
CEO Gwadar Club Brig (R) Asif visited Visionary Group and discussed the potential of tourism in Gwadar with President Gwadar Gymkhana / Chairman GBDA Ahmed

CEO OMD Pakistan visited Visionary Group’s Head Office
Chairman & CEO, OMD Media Pakistan Dara Bashir Khan visited Chairman Visionary Group Pakistan Ahmed Iqbal Baloch to discuss new horizons in the advertisement industry